Want Real Change for Your Life?

It’s kind of awkward for me to talk about this, mainly because I’m desperately afraid it might come off as self-serving, self-promoting or self-righteous, but the fact is several people have approached me with the same question lately.

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No, I’m not crazy. I’m just blown away by how MUCH I am loved.

Then again, maybe some of them are simply hoping to discover a better explanation as to why I’m so weird, but they still ask nonetheless.

“How have you managed to find so much joy in your faith in the past few years?”

Before I respond, I usually preface my answer by reminding them that I’ve always been a people person, have always had an over-active sense of humor, and for several years even “did” most of the same faith-related activities I do now.

But yes, there is a HUGE difference between the me now and the me just a few years ago.

So what is it?

Well, I hate to disappoint, but “it” is actually several things.

However, instead of giving you a long, drawn out testimony, I’ll tell you what I think has transformed my life more than anything else.

And that’s knowing the cost of my (our) salvation.

That may sound too simple to you, but I honestly believe that until I fully realized my need for a Savior and what He endured to offer me the ultimate hope of eternal life, my life would never really change.

Some Christians are quick to spout that “Jesus died for our sins,” but rarely ever take the thought much further than that.


Yes, “Jesus Saves” sounds so encouraging, but have you ever seriously thought about how He saved us, why He saved us and why we needed saving in the first place?

When the fact is, the Creator of the Universe humbled Himself down to the frailest of vulnerabilities – a defenseless infant – lived His short life incessantly teaching love, grace and mercy, and intentionally offered Himself up to be savagely beaten and nailed to a wooden cross.

And He did that for me, for you.

As a result of first pondering that, and then knowing that, it literally changed me forever.

In other words, let’s say a friend of mine tells me they stopped by my house when I wasn’t home and discovered one of my bills lying on the ground.

And upon finding the envelope, they felt compelled to open it and pay off the debt.

What should my level of gratitude be for this person?

Well let’s face it; I’m going to be thankful no matter which debt of mine this person paid off.

But if I’m completely honest here, I’m only going to be mildly thankful if I find out the debt they paid was my Men’ Health Magazine subscription.

I mean, it’s a nice gesture and all, but nothing Earth-shattering, right?

Now, just imagine what my gratitude level would be if I find out this person paid off my home mortgage, or the kids’ college tuition?


Please understand I am not trying to point out or make a comparison between how thankful I am versus how thankful others are, or vice versa.

All I’m suggesting is that until we fully realize – or at least seriously consider – the cost of an action, we will naturally struggle to understand, or more importantly, feel it’s entire worth.

Like you, I’ve heard for years that “Jesus died for my sins.”

That’s information.

But, it wasn’t until a few years ago, when I began to put actual flesh and bones on the person (Jesus) who did that, and through that realized that not only did this happen, it came through unfathomable sacrifice, pain and love….for me, and you!

That’s emotion!

And the more I feel that, the more I begin to understand how much I meant to Him and appreciate my worth and the worth of those around me.

You see; so many people simply want a god who just loves us.


That sounds really nice, warm and fuzzy, but is that the reality of true love?

No way.

If you’ve ever experienced true love, you’ve experienced the cuddly stuff, but you’ve also endured sacrifice, heartache and pain.

Friends, I can’t promise that what has worked for me will work for you – we’re all different.

But I will assure you one thing; the deeper you meditate on the price He paid for you, the more gratitude, love and joy you’ll genuinely feel.


So for those who wonder, that, more than anything else is what has completely transformed my life.